Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered outside the gate.  Therefore, let us go forth to him outside the camp, bearing his reproach.  For we have no continuing city here, but we seek one to come.


Going to Jesus

Daily Thoughts

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Thought for the Morning

Prayer Meeting Notes from Rebekah, Part Twenty Seven:
Bad Places

“About four years ago, I put a piece of notebook paper in my Bible on which to write down things said during the meetings that really stood out to me.”
Rebekah Joy

“You don’t end up in bad places when you’re after good things.”

Things never “just happen”. When you are following Jesus with all your heart, you don’t just happen to be stabbed in a bar when a knife fight breaks out, or get stomped on at a rock concert when a drunken riot breaks out. Following after godliness with all your heart will always result in you finding yourself in a good place being unexpectedly blessed. The heart that truly wants God will “sniff out” where the next blessing will fall, and is drawn there.

The heart leads the way. People claim to desire goodness, to want to know God and please Him, but only those who truly long for righteousness regularly find themselves in the right places to receive it. Everybody else just has a lot of bad luck.

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