Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered outside the gate. Therefore, let us go forth to him outside the camp, bearing his reproach. For we have no continuing city here, but we seek one to come.
Select a thought to read by choosing a collection, the month, and then the day:
As most of you already know, the Old Testament Law was from God. The guidelines for civil government included in it revealed to the judges and rulers in Israel what true justice is. Governments of earth would do well to pay close attention to God's Old Testament Law when developing and operating their legal systems, and the governments of earth that have been influenced by the Law of Moses have been far better governments than those that have not been so influenced.
The value of the Law, however, is more than that its civil laws revealed the mind of God for rulers of Israel, or that its ceremonial laws prophesied about the coming Messiah. The value of the Law is also that the civil laws are prophetic of Jesus' future reign on earth. Jesus will reign "with a rod of iron" on this earth for a thousand years. Anyone interested in knowing ahead of time what kind of judgments he will implement (through his saints appointed to their positions throughout the earth) need only read the Law of Moses. The Law tells us beforehand what kind of king Jesus will be, and it is both frightening and comforting.
Think about it. The Law of Moses is not merely a historical document; it is a prophecy of the manner of Jesus' future reign on earth! So, Jesus has not finished fulfilling the Law in this sense: he still must reign on earth and impose upon this wicked world the justice that God revealed to Israel. Israel failed to institute the judgments of the Law according to the pattern of justice that God gave to them, but Jesus will not fail. The earth has never known such pure justice, but it will . . . and it will not like it!
Here are some of
the harsh judgments contained in the Law:
The death penalty for kidnappers.
The death penalty for owners of an animal known to be dangerous, if that
animal kills someone.
A thief must repay at least fourfold
the value of what he steals.
Harlots, adulterers, and adulteresses must be
Witches and wizards are to be burned alive.
The nearest
kinsman of a murdered man is allowed personally to put the murderer
to death.
Every nation on earth will be required to honor Jesus the King.
If any nation refuses, its rain will be stopped. If it still refuses,
plagues will be sent upon that nation.
The reign of Jesus will not be welcomed by this world because there will be no "back-room deals". The guilty will be found out and punished every time, whether they be rich or poor, learned or ignorant, great or small. And no innocent person will ever suffer for a crime he did not commit. There will be no need for skilled trial lawyers because the judges will be led by the Spirit, not bound by legislation designed and voted on by a body of sinners. There will be no legal text books by which the earth's judges must judge the people of earth because the judges will be the saints of the Most High, and they will reign in righteousness. There will be no evidence presented in courts because the judges of earth will not judge by "the hearing of their ears or the sight of their eyes." The holy Ghost will reveal to the hearts of the Lord's judges either the innocence or the guilt of every accused person. Praise God!
The world has never known true justice, where no plea bargains can be negotiated on behalf of the rich and powerful, where no loopholes exist, and where money has absolutely no influence on the system. And because the world has never seen true justice, the world cannot believe it will ever exist on earth. But it will thrive here, after Jesus returns to earth in his great power and glory and appoints his saints to their places around the earth.
Daniel prophesied that Jesus' reign would be a completely new form of government, not employing any element of the forms of earthly governments that precede his return. And if a person wants to get a preview of the kinds of judgments that will mark the reign of the Savior, he can just pick up the Bible and read that often overlooked and sometimes belittled section of God's Book called the Law of Moses. That Law retains to this day its value for the saints who want to know God because it is still pointing us to our coming King.