Salvation & Conversion
Are you saved? Is it the same thing as conversion? Many are asked that question as if the two things are the same! No one in the Bible ever spoke of the day that they "got saved" as so many people do in this time. What does the Bible say about the subjects of salvation and being saved?
Jesus said that he who endures to the end will be saved. Paul wrote of the "hope of salvation" and Peter spoke of salvation being the end of our faith to be revealed in the latter time. What is the truth? Are you already saved, or not?
Study this page to learn the truth about Salvation. There are also audio clips taken from the What Must I Do to be Saved CD teaching series. Click on an article title in the box in the right column to read from a range of articles covering different aspects of the truth about salvation.
What Must I Do to be Saved CD Set

Thought for the Evening
"Once Saved, Always Saved"
Salvation is glorification of the body. When you receive your new, glorified body from Jesus, you will be a saved person. It is unwise to claim to have salvation already because it is possible for a child of God to "fall from grace", to use Paul's words, and as Jesus said it, "be given their portion with the sinners and hypocrites". Some think that once a person is born again, he is eternally secure from the wrath of God, but that is true only if that born again person walks after the Spirit and not after the flesh. Paul said it this way to the saints in Rome: "For if you live after the flesh, you shall die, but if you through the Spirit put to death the deeds of the body, you shall live" (Rom. 8:13).
The idea that if a person is born again, then he is assured of salvation in the end regardless of the life he lives is often described as the doctrine of "once saved, always saved". Preacher Clark confiscated that phrase for Jesus and used it to teach the truth. Here is an excerpt from his sermon that Sunday afternoon in 1969:
"I believe in 'once saved, always saved'. I also believe in 'once lost, always lost'. I'll tell you when you're lost. When you breathe your last breath, and you haven't repented of your sins, you're lost. And I'll tell you when you are saved. When you take your last breath, and God looks in your heart and sees that you've kept the faith until the end, and you've walked upright. That's it. [Jesus said], 'He that endures to the end shall be saved.' Not 'he that begins', but 'he that endures'. "