Salvation & Conversion
Are you saved? Is it the same thing as conversion? Many are asked that question as if the two things are the same! No one in the Bible ever spoke of the day that they "got saved" as so many people do in this time. What does the Bible say about the subjects of salvation and being saved?
Jesus said that he who endures to the end will be saved. Paul wrote of the "hope of salvation" and Peter spoke of salvation being the end of our faith to be revealed in the latter time. What is the truth? Are you already saved, or not?
Study this page to learn the truth about Salvation. There are also audio clips taken from the What Must I Do to be Saved CD teaching series. Click on an article title in the box in the right column to read from a range of articles covering different aspects of the truth about salvation.
What Must I Do to be Saved CD Set

Thought for the Evening
"His Salvation Is With Him"
Jesus himself is our salvation. His very name, Jesus, means "Salvation". There was an old prophet to whom God had made an incredible promise: that he would not die until he had laid eyes on the Savior (Lk. 2). We are not told how many years the aged prophet had been waiting for the day when he saw the baby Jesus in the temple, but when he saw the child, he lifted his voice to heaven and said, "Let me depart in peace now, Lord, for my eyes have seen your salvation."
Jesus' personal, bodily presence is salvation. Until he comes and catches us up to be with him and with the Father forever, then, we are not yet saved.
You will know you're saved when you can give Jesus and the Father a hug.