Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered outside the gate. Therefore, let us go forth to him outside the camp, bearing his reproach. For we have no continuing city here, but we seek one to come.
Select a thought to read by choosing a collection, the month, and then the day:
Below, is a list of the most important people on earth, more important than I, more important than you, more important than the President of the United States or anyone else, whether in God's family or out of it:
Donna Nelson, Julie Prater, Cliff Ayscue, Amy Pittman, Jason Embry, Elijah Clark, Rebekah Joy Clark,Margaret Gouveia, Haskell Mills, Jr., Randell and Doris Williams, Jim and Diane Kirk, Keith and Tracey Hinnant, Rob Nelson, Brad Crooker
This is no clever gimmick, no "attention-getter" contrived to make you want to read the rest of this Thought For Today. These are, in reality, the most important people on earth. And this is why:
In Acts 10, God did something that no one expected Him to do. Peter did not expect it; John did not expect it; James did not expect it; no one on earth expected it, and I suspect, that no one in heaven knew it was coming except the Father and Jesus. In Acts 10, God baptized Gentiles with the holy Ghost, the Roman centurion named Cornelius and his household, and they began to speak in tongues and magnify God.
Before that day, no one had ever received the holy Ghost unless he was circumcised in the flesh and baptized with John's water baptism. Now, however, God had decided not to require submission to Moses' Law and John's baptism in order to have a part in His eternal kingdom. When Cornelius and those in his house received the holy Ghost baptism, they became living testimonies of something that no one ever expected would happen; to wit, that God would require nothing except repentance in the name of Jesus in order to be forgiven of all sins. Cornelius and those with him became shining lights because of what God did to them. In spite of how most of God's people at that time thought it was, and despite of how most of God's people might have wanted it to be, Cornelius was irrefutable proof that God did not require the whole world to be circumcised in the flesh and water-baptized in order to receive the holy Spirit. The Gentiles were free from the works of the Law! God said so when He gave His Spirit to them even though they had not performed any of the Law's works! What God did to Cornelius confirmed "the gospel of the Gentiles" that Paul said was revealed to him by Jesus.
For Paul, people like Cornelius were the most important people on earth. Their baptism with the holy Ghost was absolute proof that God had spoken to him. Their baptism was proof that God required nothing of Gentiles but faith toward God through Christ His Son.
This is the kind of thing that makes the people whose names I listed above the most important people on earth. Jesus revealed to me in 1993 that the religion of Christianity was never of him, that Christianity (the "Church") is not of Him and that the call from God to "come out of her, my people" is a call to come out of Christianity.
Did I really hear from God? Is it really true that the whole religion of Christianity is of the devil and not of God? Is it really true that Christianity is irrelevant to salvation? The answer lies in what God did to those people whose names appear in this TFT. God's acceptance of their repentance is the greatest of all proofs that Christianity is not of God. Why? Because God forgave every one of them of all sins and baptized each one with the holy Ghost outside the religion of Christianity. This is what makes those people the most important people on earth. They are among the very few of God's children who have received the baptism of the holy Ghost after rejecting the religion of Christianity. They are living proof that I heard from God and that Christianity is indeed irrelevant to salvation.
What does it mean, if God did not require those people to be part of Christianity in order to be cleansed from sin? When God baptized with His Spirit the Gentiles at Cornelius' house who had no part of the works of the Law, He was telling the world that He did not require men to keep the works of the Law in order to be washed from sin. What then is He telling the world now by baptizing with His Spirit people in my house who have no part with Christianity? What does it mean? God did it. What does it mean? What does it say about the necessity of being a member of Christianity that God welcomes men and women and children into His kingdom without it? Think about it, and answer this important question: WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
I am sure that there were some children of God in Paul's day who were so opposed to the truth revealed to him that they even condemned the Spirit that God gave the Gentiles as being a false spirit. That is how attached to their own ways and ideas men can become. They choose to curse the holy Spirit rather than change their ways to accommodate the work of God. It makes me tremble sometimes when I think of how attached to Christianity some of God's children are today. They, just like me a few years ago, would die for that religion, "thinking to do God a service." Some of God's people are so attached in their hearts to the religion of Christianity that when they hear that God baptized with His Spirit souls outside of Christianity, they might also condemn the holy Spirit that comes into people outside that religion. It is a frightening thing to consider, for to do such a thing is to wander toward the dark way of blasphemy, and Jesus warned us that all sins would be forgiven except blasphemy against the holy Ghost.
May God help us who have forsaken the religion of Christianity to walk uprightly, to be generous and kind, patient and merciful toward those who hear the Voice (all God's children do) but who do not yet understand what the Spirit is saying when it cries in their hearts, "Come out of her my people, that ye partake not of her sins and receive not of her plagues."
Hear and understand what God is saying when He baptizes into His family a soul that has rejected Christianity. That baptism of the holy Ghost is a holy work of God; and that person who is baptized with God's holy Ghost outside of Christianity is immediately enrolled among the most important people on earth. They are living testimonies from God that Christianity is a lie. They are God's conclusive proof that I and others like me really have heard from God, and that it is the Father's will that all His children abandon the despised religion, Christianity (the "Church"), that Satan invented as an alternative to the body into which Christ baptizes those who obey him.