Complete Gospel Tract Titles

Gospel Tract List
1. How I Received the Holy Ghost
2. Jesus Is Coming Again
3. You Must Be Born Again
4. Stir Up the Gift of God
5. The World's Most Dreaded Hour
6. What is Salvation?
7. Stand Still in Jordan
8. The Returned Father
9. Grieved Hearts
10. The Second Death
11. The Father and the Son
12. Suffering and the Saints
13. Cancer Conquered
14. The Church?
15. How Shall They Preach, Except They Be Sent?
16. Have You Received the Holy Ghost Since You Believed?
17. Patience
18. Alone With God
19. Tithes and Offerings
20. Prayer
21. The True Sabbath
22. The Besetting Sin
23. Saving Strength
24. What Will the Harvest Be?
25. Marriage and Divorce
26. Taking the Name of the Lord
27. Keys to the Kingdom
28. Works
29. Politics and Believers
30. Unequally Yoked in Marriage
31. Unequally Yoked in Worship
32. The Forgiven Woman
33. The New Earth
34. The Sin of Silence
35. Freedom
36. Gods of the Gentiles
37. Why Some Are Not Healed
38. The Seven Pillars
39. Life, More Abundantly
40. Fear
41. The Comforter’s Testimony
42. This is My Friend
43. Conversion
44. The Time Is Drawing Near?
45. Songs in the Night
46. The Master's Net
47. Trials are Opportunities
48. Receiving the Messenger
49. Seven Messages to the Seven Pastors
50. Keep Yourself Pure
51. Jezreel
52. The New Birth
53. Denying Jesus
54. Bruised Reeds
56. The Wise and the Foolish
57. Holiness
58. Is Jesus God?
59. Christ or Christianity
60. Have Faith In God
63. Four Kinds of Soil
64. Communion
66. Baptism
69. Crucified With Christ
70. Homosexuality and the Bible
71. The Kingdom of God
72. The Gospel of Christ
77. Sanctification
78. New Commandments
79. The Sacrifice of Christ
81. Speaking in Tongues
87. Antichrist
88. The Way of Grace
90. Relationships
93. Subdued
94. The Spirit of Christ
95. The Blood of Christ
96. Spirit of a Serpent, Spirit of a Dove
97. Gluttony
En español
El Nuevo Nacimiento
¿Cristo o Cristianismo?
¿Que Es Salvación?
El Sacrificio de Cristo

Gospel Tract #18

Alone With God

George C. Clark

"All the disciples forsook him and fled."
Matthew 26:56

No one can go far into the word of God without finding himself alone. Everyone used of God is forced to stand alone and to bear persecution, for the truth has not been in fashion since man first acted upon Satan's lie in the garden of Eden. All who are determined to obey God and to come to a complete understanding of His word are, at times, compelled to travel alone, finding their greatest help in the solitude of God's presence. From this altitude of spirituality, they have drawn others up to their level. One must stand above the masses if he would win and influence others to walk with God.

Had Abraham gone to live with Lot in Sodom, his influence would have availed but little. It was as he stood alone with God on the highlands of faith that his intercessions secured Lot's deliverance. Moses, in making this same kind of separation, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction and isolation in the valleys and on the mountains alone with God. In the midst of a wicked and sinful generation, Noah alone preached righteousness. Daniel prayed alone three times a day when all others were afraid of the king's command. Elijah sacrificed alone and brought down fire from heaven after the false prophets failed. Jeremiah prophesied and wept alone while his people were taking life easy and drifting away from God. The apostle John was alone on the Island of Patmos when he received revelations from God concerning the end of the world. The apostle Paul, in describing his appearance before Rome's Emperor to answer with his life for believing and teaching contrary to the theories and doctrines of men, wrote, "No man stood with me; on the contrary, all men forsook me." Jesus prayed alone in the garden while his disciples slept. Yes, he was there all alone bearing the agony of that sad hour with not a soul on earth to befriend him. Oh, the sorrow, grief, and loneliness our Lord endured! He suffered, bled, and died alone, alone!

From the beginning, our Lord has singled out men for the higher things of his kingdom, and these men have been the target of mass criticism, enmity, and hatred – not only from the world but also from unwise children of God. Many in Israel who persecuted the prophets praised Moses while they did so. Then, the religionists of Jesus' time praised Moses and the prophets but persecuted Jesus and his apostles. During the early days of the Popes, many Christians praised Moses, the prophets, Jesus, and the apostles, but persecuted God's living saints. And many now praise the patriarchs, the prophets, Jesus, the apostles, and the martyrs but persecute all who stand for like faith today.

When Jesus said, "A man's foes shall be they of his own household," he was not altogether referring to one's natural family. For example, who were Jesus' worst enemies? The household of Joseph and Mary or the household of Israel? The household of Israel, of course. Who were Paul's fiercest opponents? Were they not believers from the household of Israel? It has always been true that those who follow God fully have been most cruelly persecuted by God's own people. The Jews forced Pilate and the Romans to kill Jesus, and Paul was called into question by believers in Israel concerning the gospel which he preached (Acts 21).

It is only human to drift with the tide of public opinion, but it is divine to follow the Spirit of God and stem the tide. Dear reader, should you stand with the crowd, or should you stand alone with God, and thus prepare yourself to help the crowd? People need leaders, men who will pay the price and dig deep into the hidden things of God, things that God wants His people to have and use, such as the signs that followed believers in the days of the apostles.

So that we might know to some degree the utter loneliness of our dear Lord, God often appoints His children to suffer pangs of loneliness, or the pain of a betrayed friendship, the loss of loved ones, or the heartache of being misunderstood.

However, merely being alone will not suffice. One can do wrong even when alone. In fact, it is easier to do evil when no human eye can see. "Character", someone has said, "is what you are in the dark." We must use our seclusion properly. Our flesh is sure to be present when we are alone, but God will be there, too. So, the benefit of drawing aside from men will always depend on what we do while we are alone.

One of the ways of growing in the knowledge of our Lord is by Bible reading and study. We can, I am sure, do this best when alone, for if we choose, we can combine prayer with the reading of God's Book. Moreover, it is possible to see our faults best when alone, when there are no friends or foes there to interfere with our judgments. It is not in a crowd that the soul grows most vigorously.

Growth in grace requires much prayer, and solitude is often essential to prayer in its most effective form. Jesus recommended drawing aside to pray, knowing that God will openly reward all who come to Him in heartfelt, secret prayer. It is difficult, I know, to find time in these busy days to be alone. Nevertheless, it pays to be alone with God.

Alone with God! What a blessed spot! Sweet refuge, where the heart can unfold itself. Alone, alone with God!